Why Harvest Hosts is the Safest Method of RV Travel Post-COVID-19
TL;DR: Post-COVID-19, RVing at Harvest Hosts locations offers safe, scenic, and supportive travel options. Enjoy solitary, beautiful settings while aiding small businesses.
The sudden COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world in unimaginable ways. For those who love to travel in their RV, this global catastrophe likely meant cancelled plans and postponed trips. As the country slowly begins to reopen over the coming months, many experts are skeptical that things will return to normal quickly. Some folks may remain wary of crowded campgrounds and close proximity to others, opting instead to wait longer to travel again. Other RVers may wish to begin to travel as soon as they are permitted to do so. However, many have chosen to revise their travel style to continue social distancing on some level. Many Harvest Hosts members may currently find themselves itching to dust off their membership and travel safely once again. Because of the nature of staying at a Harvest Hosts location, using your membership on RV trips may very well be one of the best ways to travel in the near future. Read along for more information on why Harvest Hosts is the safe, supportive, and scenic way to RV in the aftermath of COVID-19.
Many RVers enjoy the luxury of staying in full hookups campgrounds. However convenient these may be, they tend to place campers in close proximity to each other. Even if your RVs are located more than six feet apart, you will likely run into other campers. This could be while going for a stroll, walking your dog, disposing of garbage, checking in, or any other number of typical campground activities. This is likely a bit stressful for those wishing to continue to maintain a safe distance from others while traveling. If you choose to stay at a Harvest Hosts location instead, you will most likely be parked much further from other campers (if any). After the business closes for the night, you will typically be one of a handful of people on the property. In addition, when you patronize the business, you can choose to do so at a time when it is not busy. Be sure to always follow local ordinances to wear face masks or follow other protocol when entering a place of business.
Anyone who has spent the past two months or more in lockdown has probably not encountered many scenic views. However, you can rest assured that any Harvest Hosts location you visit will have no shortage of beautiful sights. If you visit a Harvest Hosts location, you will likely enjoy views of rolling green hills, lush countryside, and any other local applicable scenery (mountains, rivers, forests, etc.). This sharply juxtaposes views of other RVs found at most campgrounds or the typical suburban scenery seen at locations for other RV membership clubs. You can rest assured that no matter what type of host you choose to visit post-pandemic, you will find some gorgeous and well-deserved views to enjoy.
For many people, the impacts of COVID-19 were financially detrimental. This is especially true for small businesses who rely on tourism and visitors to survive. In the months following COVID-19, these businesses need our support more than ever. Instead of paying for a night’s stay at a campground, consider staying at a Harvest Hosts location. This may allow you to put the money that would typically be spent on campgrounds towards small businesses in need. In addition, you will walk away with some delicious goods of your own. This could include wine or beer, farm fresh food or produce, and/or other products available at Harvest Hosts locations. This will mutually benefit both yourself and the Host, while helping local businesses and communities in their time of need.
As mentioned previously, it is very important that all travelers continue to follow local guidelines and regulations in the aftermath of COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Obviously this means not traveling to or visiting places that are still on lockdown. In other areas, it may mean continuing to wear facial coverings where it is required. Some may choose to wear facial coverings even when not required to avoid spreading unknown illness to their Hosts. In addition, it is recommended to continue to maintain a distance of six or more feet between yourself and others where it is still required. Some locations also advise people to avoid gathering in groups of ten or more. Again, check local ordinances for the area that you will be visiting, and plan to abide by their regulations. Even as things continue to shift back into normalcy, it will be awhile before the world runs exactly as it once did. In the meantime, we can continue to practice safe travel in areas where travel is permitted. Utilizing your Harvest Hosts membership is an excellent way to travel safely. After all, there are 5399 to choose from, so you are sure to find one you will enjoy visiting. If you don’t have a membership or if yours has expired, you can join or renew your membership today to begin planning your next trip!
How has COVID-19 affected your travels (or lack thereof)? Do you plan to stay at any Harvest Hosts locations post-pandemic? Tell us about it in the comments below!