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Five Tips for RVing As A Couple

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Harvest Hosts
December 14, 2022

TL;DR Traveling as a couple in an RV? Divide tasks with checklists, work together on plans, choose an RV that suits both, value alone time, and learn to argue constructively. Happy travels!

Five Tips for RVing As A Couple

It’s no secret that RVing as a couple brings a lot of positives to your relationship. You explore new places, experience new things, and learn more about each other, quirks and all! However, being together in relatively close quarters can lead to some communication breakdowns and frustrations.

Fear not! It’s totally normal to experience some hiccups along the way when traveling as a couple in an RV. We’re sure you’re aware that communication is key for any successful relationship. Well, there are some other things to consider when hitting the road and traveling with your significant other in an RV or tow behind.

1. Learn to Divide and Conquer

For Jesse and I, we created an RV setup and tear-down checklist. Having this checklist ensures each person is responsible for tasks that help us get on the road or get settled into camp. For the most part, I’m responsible for getting the inside of our RV ready to go, whereas Jesse focuses on the outside.

For us, we’ve learned that this checklist helps alleviate fights. Each of us knows not only what we personally are doing, but what the other one is doing too. Our checklist not only divides up the work equally but ensures we’re both helping and supporting each other on our RV trip.

Source: Wandering Stus

2. Know When to Work Together

As much as it’s important to divide and conquer, it’s important to work together too! For instance, when it comes time to leave camp, we both make sure our hitch is secure, and brake lights and blinkers are working on our tow behind.

When planning RV routes, it’s also important to respect each other's point of view on what each person wants to see and do. If you plan a trip or activities you only want to see, well, that's not too fair and could cause some resentment down the road - no pun intended :)

Make your RV trip a joint effort. You both are traveling together and living in the same space, so plan your routes, activities, and campsites together. Learn when to compromise and when to communicate your wishes so the RV trip is for both of you, not for one of you.

Source: Wandering Stus

3. Make Sure Your RV Is Right for Both of You

Before planning any RV route or making any sort of RV checklist, you really and truly need to make sure whatever RV or tow behind you are buying is right for both of you. For instance….

  1. Is your RV or tow behind something you both can drive?
  2. Does the interior space have what each person deems necessary? i.e., maybe you need a dinette table to work remotely from? Maybe your significant other needs plenty of kitchen storage because they love to cook.
  3. Is the size right? Maybe one of you wants a smaller rig to get off the beaten path or maybe the other requires more space?

Whatever it is, be sure you as a couple make a decision together and your rig works best for both of you! After all, it is your home on wheels.

Source: Wandering Stus

4. Honor & Respect Alone Time

When RVing as a couple, time to yourself can be hard to come by. Between living in a small space and galivanting around doing activities together, alone time can be nonexistent…and that can be a bad thing.

Everyone needs some time to themselves to reset and recenter. And let’s face it, being around someone all the time has its challenges so allow time for yourself. It’s important.

Make time to do something you enjoy doing by yourself a priority and respect your significant other when they need to do the same.  Everyone needs a little “me-time” to decompress. It’s not a bad thing at all.

Source: Wandering Stus

5. Learn How to Fight Effectively

Look, fighting as a couple is inevitable. People fight and that’s normal. However, there are ways to learn how to fight healthily and effectively. Being upfront with your significant other on what you need in a fight is super important not only when you are RVing as a couple, but when you are at home too.

For example, some people need to resolve the situation right away. Where others may need time away, to calm down and process. Forcing your significant other into talking when they're not ready or not honoring the closure and resolution they need can pose big problems when RVing as a couple.

Learn how best each other needs to communicate to resolve situations and your little home on wheels will be a much happier place when disputes arise.

Source: Wandering Stus

Lauren and Jesse Stuart, a travel blogging couple, along with their dog Huey cruise the country in their travel trailer sharing travel tips, itineraries, and their adventures along the way!

About Harvest Hosts
Harvest Hosts is a unique RV camping membership that offers self-contained RVers unlimited overnight stays at over 5,688 small businesses across North America with no camping fees. Boondock at farms, wineries, breweries, attractions, and other one-of-a-kind destinations throughout North America, and you’ll get peace of mind knowing that a safe place to stay is always nearby!
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Harvest Hosts
Harvest Hosts is an RV membership program that allows self-contained travelers to overnight at unique locations around the country including farms, wineries, museums, breweries, and more!